Scientists have calculated that the universe is around 13.7 billion years old. Some 2 billions years later, the first galaxies started appearing. While this hapless lot of professionals steadfastly rejects the proposal to discover the existence of intelligence, intelligences, spirit matter, fluid and element, delving only with mortal matter and energy, they have perhaps stumbled upon the earliest possible creation of the gods, though they would never admit it.
Bruce R McConkie, in his “Seven Deadly Heresies” [01June1980] states in Heresy one:
Eternal progression consists of living the kind of life God lives and of increasing in kingdoms and dominions everlastingly. Why anyone should suppose that an infinite and eternal being who has presided in our universe for almost 2,555,000,000 years, who made the sidereal heavens, whose creations are more numerous than the particles of the earth, and who is aware of the fall of every sparrow--why anyone would suppose that such a being has more to learn and new truths to discover in the laboratories of eternity is totally beyond my comprehension. What then was God doing prior to 2.555 billions years ago? Inasmuch as Elder McConkie uses the locution “our universe,” perhaps he is inferring that He came here from another universe. Here in “our universe” evidently, He was not presiding. For that matter then, who was in charge of the universe prior to that time?
Another possibility. Joseph Smith states that everything is made of matter:
D&C 131:6 It is impossible for a man to be saved in ignorance.
7 There is no such thing as immaterial matter. All spirit is matter, but it is more fine or pure, and can only be discerned by purer eyes;
8 We cannot see it; but when our bodies are purified we shall see that it is all matter.
The questions begs itself: what is matter made of? My answer: self-existing, uncreated intelligence. As Elder BH Roberts explains:“The intelligence in man, then, according to the Prophet's philosophy, is not created, but is self-existent, one of the eternal things, not created, really uncreatable, as also indestructible. Not of earth-origin, but existing in heavens without number, always existing. I have already noted that intelligences differ in degree of intelligence, moral quality, and greatness, hence also they differ in power, standing, and appointment. …
To this end Divine Intelligences bring into existence worlds and world systems, sustain and guide them through immense cycles of time, and through processes that lead from chaos to cosmos, from telestial to celestial, and when attaining a point beyond which they may not be exalted in their present forms, breaking those forms, disintegrating them, to bring them forth again to reach a grander cosmos--worlds without number have thus passed away, by the word of God's power, and many now stand, innumerable unto man; and as one earth and its heavens shall pass away, so shall another come, and there is no end to this work, to this evolution, and this devolution.
The intelligence in man, then, according to the Prophet's philosophy, is not created, but is self-existent, one of the eternal things, not created, really uncreatable, as also indestructible. Not of earth-origin, but existing in heavens without number, always existing.
I have already noted that intelligences differ in degree of intelligence, moral quality, and greatness, hence also they differ in power, standing, and appointment.
It is these differences in intelligences that lead to order in the universe. Those more advanced governing, controlling, devising, organizing, forming societies, making governments, civilizations--all which shall tend to increase the glory and power and joy of all: "Men are that they might have joy," is a Book of Mormon passage. "This is my work and my glory," Joseph Smith represents God as saying, "to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man." To this end Divine Intelligences bring into existence worlds and world systems, sustain and guide them through immense cycles of time, and through processes that lead from chaos to cosmos, from telestial to celestial, and when attaining a point beyond which they may not be exalted in their present forms, breaking those forms, disintegrating them, to bring them forth again to reach a grander cosmos--worlds without number have thus passed away, by the word of God's power, and many now stand, innumerable unto man; and as one earth and its heavens shall pass away, so shall another come, and there is no end to this work, to this evolution, and this devolution. And so the eternal drama proceeds. Intelligences meanwhile standing indestructible amidst this organization and disorganization of worlds; this integrating and disintegrating of things. This movement is from lower to higher estates, from little to greater excellences; yet this without attaining to "highest" or "perfect," because, to repeat, advancement in the infinite knows no ultimates. Meanwhile intelligences amid these changes, under the law of eternal progress, are ever increasing in power, glory, might, dominion, benevolence, charity, justice; and all else that can make for the increase of their power and glory. In which strivings and achievements eternal evil is always potentially, and sometimes actively, present. Indeed it makes necessary and possible, in fact, the very strivings and achievements; and is the "foil on which good produces itself, and becomes known." Comprehensive History of the Church, Vol. 2, The Eternal Existence of Intelligence” p.391-394.
Let’s go back to just before the Big Bang. What really existed? Scientists say nothing existed – that nothing created something.
Seriously though, in reality what existed is what Brigham Young calls “native element.” His teachings on native element, composition, and decomposition, organization and disorganization are the backbone of his Adam-God revelation.
The only thing that existed prior to the Big Bang was native element Intelligence, individual unorganized particles of intelligence. The only thing that exists after the Big Bang is organizing Intelligence and its opposite, disorganizing Darkness. There is an enormous variety of these supernatural substances – the only substances that exist. Each particle is a separate, unique element and possesses differing levels of intelligence.
At the top of the gradation scale are those which act – what the scriptures refer to as “Holy Spirit.” There is an abundance of these highest intelligences that act (organize).
As we go down the scale, we find less intelligent particles that are increasingly acted upon (capable of being controlled by higher intelligences), and are increasingly selfish by their nature. Each elementary particle is indivisible and is intelligence light. Light is requisite for organizing. At the bottom of the scale is another kind of particle called Darkness, for it has no light at all. Its sole purpose is to disorganize light back to its native elementary state.
In the native element state, there is no free will or agency – except to act and to be acted upon. Once several of these particles join in a cooperative enterprise, then the highest intelligence of those particles takes charge. Free will emerges to that extent. However, this combination also creates an environment whereby the higher can become susceptible to the selfishness of the lower. Only the highest intelligence can take full advantage of free will. And their united goal is to organize all intelligence into one grand cooperative union, and to keep Darkness inert.
The Big Bang starts the goal into action. Evolution develops it. “Mortality” of the lowest intelligent particles brings up the rear. Darkness tries to tear them apart. The success of the highest intelligences to fuse with the lowest ultimately starts producing Gods. Gods continue the work of organization.
We mortals are comprised of one single acting highest intelligence particle and a large host of lesser ones being acted upon and cooperating with that single highest one in each of our organized bodies. The single highest one in us is who we are actually, the rest are followers and support members. We can only find joy and be satisfied with our progress in life when we act in union with all other highest intelligences. As we succeed, more supportive higher particles join us.
Authority is paramount in this supreme organization venture lasting perhaps 100 billion years, so a Head God of all head Gods takes charge – the Supreme Controller of the Universe, i.e. our Father in Heaven. The operating laws and principles of Light in a free will environment are virtues. Only by adherence to virtue can this work succeed.
Darkness begins occupying organized intelligences, initially in the organized spirit stage, impairing the work and ultimately producing Lucifers and other devils. But other spirits, mortals and immortals resist. For example, God is pure Light. Continuing in the mortal stage, Darkness produces in mortals misgivings, doubts, evil acts, etc. Some are completely won over, while others have internal struggles between the light they possess and the darkness in them, eventually giving them a lesser reward in the next stage of existence. Still others shed Darkness altogether and eventually reap the greatest joys existence has to offer. In the end, God will prevail.
Further recommended reading:
Further recommended reading:
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